easy website builder

Assembling your cloudapult

Remove all parts from the flat pack. 

Lay out one of the side pieces. Insert tabs from the front and back supports into the slots on the side as shown. Put the arm in the pivot point and rest it against the front support.

Place the remaining side piece on top and insert the tabs from the front and back supports into the available slots. Make sure the arm fits into the pivot point. Slide tabs back to lock in place.

Insert the cross support tabs into the vertical slots in the sides and slide down into place.

Place lower arm stop into the 10 degree slots on the sides. Place the upper arm stop into one of the higher degree slots (60-80).

Loop the rubber band over the arm and set it to one of the middle notch sets. Stretch it over the front of the cloudapult and wrap it around underneath to attach to the middle large power tab. 

When finished your cloudapult should look like this. Note the configuration of the band.