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Use the cloudapult to put the objects in the buckets

  1. Objects can be made from a variety of materials. Tinfoil works great but paper or any substance that can be compressed and rolled into a small ball will do. All players must have access to the same object materials. Objects should be lightweight enough not to cause damage to people or property. Given access to the same materials players may make their objects any shape or size as long as it can be launched by the cloudapult. Players may have any number of objects.
  2. Rubber bands can be used in any way you like as long as they are only attached to the cloudapult and no other object. Multiple bands or stronger bands may be used to increase the power and range of the cloudapult. All players must have access to the same bands. If you buy extra bands we suggest bringing enough to share.
  3. Buckets can be just about anything. Trash cans, coffee cups, desk drawers, etc will all work. You may declare a target to be a bucket as well. This can include a spot on the wall, a paper plate, a chair, etc. All players must agree on the bucket targets at the start of the game. For containers (cups, etc) objects must fall inside the container to score. If objects bounce out of the container it is still considered a valid point. For flat targets it is sufficient that objects hit the designated area.
  4. Players should choose a firing area where the cloudapults will be placed. This is often a desk or table top. Once a spot is chosen for a player's cloudapult they may not move it unless they miss 3 shots in a row. They may be picked up to make adjustments but must be returned to the same approximate location to resume firing.
  5. Players take turns adjusting and firing their cloudapults. Players may target buckets in any order. To win a player must hit all buckets. If a single player meets the win conditions the other players are allowed to finish their turn. In the event of a tie players may move an existing bucket and have a shootout to break the tie.